الثلاثاء، 26 يناير 2010

What is this and Why

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I have never bean a big fan of people who write their memoir, I always thought that a person`s life is something that can never be transcribed on paper, and the minute it is; it becomes a prisoner of those words and it runs the risk of destorting those esperiences in ways that were never meant to be.

On the other hand, events that happened to me over the last 4 years had left me in a position deprived from some of my closest friends and people who I used to share those thoughts-expereinces. This "sharing" process played a major role in shaping who I am as a person, and the way others currently see me is explained, at a large part, by previous acts of "human interactions". Unforutnatly, most of this "luxury" has been down-sized to a phone call done through a crappy service provider "by the way, I have read several times before in many of coolshababs E-mails, how people are discussing the best long distanse phone service provider and NO one mentioned how the people at the other end hears him/her.....I can now feel how my parents used to feel when I used to talk to them from the US" or through an E-mail where I try to find the "best" words to inject my emotions into, but most of the time I fail. (this has some few execptions like our recent VERY SHORT get together during hajj).

I describe myself as a "data driven" person, ORDER is what gives us comfort, predictability "even for things that we dont like" makes us feel safe; it is only unfamiliarity that brings pain and confusion. It is this "hazziness" that I think plays the major role in holding many people from coming back to work and live in Syria.

I have taken the decision to go back to Syria almost 8 months ago, and during this process I have tried to get the best "data" availabe to guide me through this process, and when this data was not readily avaialbe I would try to look for it myself; the propose is to make the best informed decision in every diffrent aspect of moving back home. The process will cover everything from work, home living, schools and social life. Many of the events have already occured and will only be documenting them retrospectively and as we move along we will be matching what is currently going on. I am starting this post 6 months prior to my planned moving date and my plan is to run it for a total of 1 year (so 6 months before and after). I will be posting once weekly (each friday) and more often if needed.

The main purpose is to make this a rich and informative post where we can discuss diffrent issues that are related to people with situations similar to mine. I will share with you all my expereinces, with most of the "objective data" I was able to collect and I will be asking your help in taking some of the decisions and open to your suggestions.

Finally, I try my best to maintain a positive attitude and try to look for the full half, this will not be a post for negativity or pessimisim and if you are one of those I am sure you will find MANY OTHER resources over the internet to fullfill your satisfaction.
thanks for following

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Asalam alikom Abo Nadim
    Over the eighteen years that I knew you, you have been always a person who I trust to follow. You were able to find your self a worthy goal to work for depend on your circumstances and surronding enviroment, which has not been always a frindely one. You told me one time that success is a habit, you have this habit. I am almost certain with the well of Allah SWT, you will succeed in Aleppo as you did in other station in life. As before you will led the way to something usefull and has meaning in life. I look forward to read your post for the next year. Keep me in your prayers and your hearts and remmber that you have frindes who admire you and look up to you.

    your brother


  2. Ammar, those words mean so much for me, knowing you and interacting with you is a major part of who I am,
    Missing you so much
